Sunday, 27 February 2011

End Week 3 - Photos and Summary

Well here we are 3 weeks in.  I think you can see the biggest difference with these two photos:

Day 0
Day 20

Actually - side by side like that I think even I can see that I'm shrinking!! YAY!!

Here's the progress since day 0 - Have to be pretty happy with the following data:

day 0
 end wk 3  difference 
weight (kg) 
3.5 loss
weight (lb)
7.7 loss
4.25 loss
body fat % 
3.1 point loss
fat in my body 
19.23 kg
16.29 kg
3 kg loss

That's all very good .... but after yesterday's GOING WILD DAY .... I have thrown some more back on.

Goals for this week:

  • stick to eating plan (no problem  - this is the easiest bit atm)
  • lots of water in
  • find out about the non-kettle bell exercises to introduce (squats and wall presses etc).  I wasn't going to introduce these until I had a plateau week - but I feel the need to do something new, the food alone is now such a part of my routine that I don't even really need to think about it
  • Next GWD - Introduce Damage Control - cinnamon, grapefruit juice and all that.....
But now for the interesting bit .... about to post all of yesterday's blowout!


  1. You are doing great! Today's my cheat day and I'm going to try to maximize damage control. We'll see what the scale shows tomorrow.

  2. Congrats.... I'm in a similar place. Just starting week 3. I lost 3 lbs the first week, but none the second. I would be very pleased to lose another 2 lbs this week. (The first week I was leading up to my monthly cycle, too, so I wonder if that prevented further weight loss).

  3. Bring on the next week and see what happens. I'm down 300g since yesterday - so that's one quarter of the GWD gain reversed. Need another couple of big days!
