Sunday, 6 February 2011

The "before" post

Today has been filled with preparation, buying chicken and eggs, beans and lentils, and bags and bags of spinach.  The Body Analyser scales are unpacked in the bathroom, but not yet loaded with my details.  I've eaten a little chocolate, I can't have anymore until Saturday.  I've geeked my way through a googledoc spreadsheet to record my progress and thought about some targets but not settled on the goal just yet.

When I started reading The 4-Hour Body I felt inspired, and I admit a little queasy.  The diet has me chomping at the bit - I can't wait to get stuck into that and watch the pounds fall off.  I've only read the chapters that get me through the diet, the rest of the book awaits.  I'll change my practices as I go and document them here.  But I am a little nervous about the 15 minute orgasm.  I thumbed through those pages and will get to them over the next few weeks but I slammed the book shut when I saw the slightly disturbing anatomical graphicness.  I haven't even read enough to know yet whether I'll be getting to orgasm in 15 minutes, or for 15 minutes. Right now I can't see that any amount of lentils will get me through the latter, and have fingers firmly crossed that I don't have to upload the photos. 

But I've decided to throw myself in whole hog - and have a go at everything.  Orgasms and Superhuman-ness to boot.

Storm in a C Cup - I googled a few forums and blogs and noted that the female followers are few in numbers.  I've read that some people say the programme only works for two weeks, and then women will hit a plateau for the next few, before perhaps losing some more at 5 weeks.  But my C Cup storm is this - I quite like my boobs, in fact I like all sorts of boobs, but I'd really like mine to stay just as they are.  4HB, is it designed by man for men? or can women equally reap the benefits?  Will the 4HB turn me in to a flat chested kettle tossing boi? Is it possible to lose fat from my stomach and thighs but not from my mammaries?

I am about to find out.

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