I had a stonking headache until about 3pm. In the time between waking up and mid-afternoon I consumed:
- 6 x 200mg ibuprofen (or was it 8?)
- 2 x 300mg aspirin
- 2 x Codipar 15mg codeine phosphate 500mg paracetamol
So this for me immediately raised a hypothesis that the little cocktail of drugs running around my blood stream was doing something that stopped, slowed down or reversed my fat burning. A one headache sample size is not enough for an experiment, but will take note if/when I get another one to see if I see similar results.
But it's not enough to blame the headache in itself I think.... so the other things that were different about yesterday.
- I probably drank less water. I don't recall guzzling down my usual 2-3 glasses before work. I think my tummy was a bit too queazy to take a sloshing belly full of fluid, so I'd just sipped my way through a little.
- I introduced some nuts as a snack (so far this week I've only had the main meals, no snacks at all). I bought a lovely bag of gourmet nuts - cost a whack at 5 quid - mainly brazils, cashews and pecans. I grabbed a couple of handfuls throughout the day, but was aware of not just blindly dominoing through the 400g bag. So I've just weighed it to see how much ended up in inside me - I ate 60g (2 and a bit oz). Is that too much? I can't remember what Tim Ferris says about nuts apart from he has just 5 or 6 brazils I think. This was definitely more. Homework: check "how bad are nuts?"
- At the same time I bought some pure cashew nut paste. Dunked a spoon in and (tried to) lick it off ... *gag* ... it's really not nice. Flavour was OK, but texture was like polyfilla (and I know about Polyfilla, I'm a DIY queen). At least there's little chance of this turning into crack for me... (are women really that feeble?).
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