Monday, 7 March 2011

4 weeks in (the 4hourpeople post that failed)

Hi there folks from .... not sure why I can't get the photos to work on the site this week.
But this is what I wanted to show:

Here's the difference a month makes:

Day 0
to this
End Week 4

That's 3.9kg (8.5lb loss)
A loss of 6 inches (8.6 inches if you count my shrinking boobage)
Fat of 29.9% now 26.5%

GOALS: either weight 54kg (6.5kg to go); or a body fat percentage less than 20; or a stomach that's fab and flat in that bikini. I'll reconsider as I go.


  1. Great job, you can really see the loss in your tummy and upper arm. It looks like your posture is improving as well.

    Keep at it!

  2. Thanks Ellie - maybe that there is less overhang to change the centre of balance means my body isn't pulling forward so much! I can't wait til I lose my little double mound belly.
